So why am I showing you my Oh So BORING workdesk today I hear you ask? Because it is all the WONDERFUL Julia's fault over at the Stamping Ground who came up with the idea that a What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday would be a great way of seeing what fellow crafter's are up to!
After a simply rotten night's sleep I am not up to much BUT have got to get started on my cards for February - the first three of which MUST be posted on Friday ... no pressure then, and, more alarmingly, NO MOJO!!!!!
So what can you see on my desk ... firstly a little "Spot the WOYWW Badge" game ... gold star to you if you find it. You can just about see the list of cards I have to make for this year ... being mojo-less I am finding it a bit daunting so have it partially hidden under three (three cards to post on Friday remember!) embossed designs I did last night knowing I wouldn't be able to face my lightbox this early in the morning. My much loved Glossy Accents are lurking close at hand and my Tim ***sigh*** Holtz distress inks ... odd name that, but very appropriate for my current state of mind ... DiStReSsEd! Or is that just stressed ... either way works for me.
Martha Stewart punch in the front of the picture and laptop very close at hand for when the no-mojo fizzles into absolutely-definitely-no-mojo.
The bright orange folder waaaayyyyy out of reach is my quizzing folder ... which I must not - MUST NOT - touch until I have these cards made!
So Happy WOYWW'ing everyone and enjoy browsing the world of craftland today as you share your desk and visit those of others ... those others to be found HERE
About Me

- Debbie Rock
- WELCOME to my little arty world! Trying to make art is a huge part of my life ... love nothing more than messing around with inks and sprays and generally making a mess!
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Spent a happy hour or so chatting long distance (thank goodness for Facebook chat!) with nephew number 2's girlfriend as she Oh So Kindly tweaked my blog for me ... I'd lost track of the hours I'd spent trying to do it and just look at it now ... I just LOVE it and things are where they should be and gaps have been closed and, well, I'm just over the moon really!
Thanks to my wonderful "niece-in-law" Lucy ... THE Lucy of Lucy G Photography - you can find her website/blog HERE
Just need to get my crafting mojo back now and I can get on with the many cards I need to make ... haven't even started on those for February yet and one needs to be in the post by Friday ... EEK!!!!!
Thanks to my wonderful "niece-in-law" Lucy ... THE Lucy of Lucy G Photography - you can find her website/blog HERE
Just need to get my crafting mojo back now and I can get on with the many cards I need to make ... haven't even started on those for February yet and one needs to be in the post by Friday ... EEK!!!!!
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Today's the day
Well, it's done, boxed up and ready for a 1pm delivery and I feel sick I am so nervous about it!!! Today is party day and The Cake will be doing its thing tonight. Managed to get a better photo' of it rather than the one of it nestling in the box and, oh my golly-goodness how I hope they like it.
Doesn't show up here (due to my very poor photography skills!) but the bottom tier is the palest shell pink with a white frill and the top tier is white with a shell pink frill ... just wish I'd thought to make the doves on the top tier pink but only made white ones and then realised my error.
Flowers all hand-made in sugar paste but not really edible as they are wired and by the time I've finished messing around with them probably taste simply awful.
Now just to await The Verdict and all this stress can be over!
Doesn't show up here (due to my very poor photography skills!) but the bottom tier is the palest shell pink with a white frill and the top tier is white with a shell pink frill ... just wish I'd thought to make the doves on the top tier pink but only made white ones and then realised my error.
Flowers all hand-made in sugar paste but not really edible as they are wired and by the time I've finished messing around with them probably taste simply awful.
Now just to await The Verdict and all this stress can be over!
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
You know, I really thought I'd blogged inbetween last weeks WOYWW and this one ... goodness knows where that week went!
So to another week of being able to share and visit fellow crafters workdesks all over the world to see what they are up to all thanks to the wonderful Julia and her Stamping Ground which you can find HERE
My workdesk is not really a workdesk at all today as I simply MUST get on with a cross-stitch project and I am making that my mission for today.
It is a huge project and almost beyond my capabilities ... I thought I was an experienced cross-stitcher but this is challenging me to the limit and I am not yet convinced I will complete it. If it were for myself then I would have not got past the first dozen stitches but, because I want it for a gift, I am persevering (and swearing a LOT!)
I finished a birthday card last night for the same person getting the cake (I shared the flowers for the cake last week) ... have tried to keep it all to a theme (I made the invitations for the event too) as she is very, very girly and loves flowers!
The cake just needs my signature little doves putting on and I wasn't going to take it from the box in order to photograph it today ... knowing me I'd knock the frill and damage it so will post a better photo' next week after the party! So excuse what has to be the worst photo' in the world but it will give you an idea ... hopefully.
And, most importantly of all ... as I write it is *S*N*O*W*I*N*G* again ... I am a total *S*N*O*W* freak and just love this weather *S*N*O*W* much!!!!!! Hey, that was nearly a joke :)
So to another week of being able to share and visit fellow crafters workdesks all over the world to see what they are up to all thanks to the wonderful Julia and her Stamping Ground which you can find HERE
My workdesk is not really a workdesk at all today as I simply MUST get on with a cross-stitch project and I am making that my mission for today.
It is a huge project and almost beyond my capabilities ... I thought I was an experienced cross-stitcher but this is challenging me to the limit and I am not yet convinced I will complete it. If it were for myself then I would have not got past the first dozen stitches but, because I want it for a gift, I am persevering (and swearing a LOT!)
I finished a birthday card last night for the same person getting the cake (I shared the flowers for the cake last week) ... have tried to keep it all to a theme (I made the invitations for the event too) as she is very, very girly and loves flowers!
The cake just needs my signature little doves putting on and I wasn't going to take it from the box in order to photograph it today ... knowing me I'd knock the frill and damage it so will post a better photo' next week after the party! So excuse what has to be the worst photo' in the world but it will give you an idea ... hopefully.
And, most importantly of all ... as I write it is *S*N*O*W*I*N*G* again ... I am a total *S*N*O*W* freak and just love this weather *S*N*O*W* much!!!!!! Hey, that was nearly a joke :)
On that note I am off to link to Julia's WOYWW and MUST, MUST, MUST get on with that cross-stitching!
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Have absolutely no idea how Wednesday has crept around so fast again but here it is and for the second week in a row I'M HERE TOO!!!! For those unfamiliar with our special Wednesdays and the wonderful world of WOYWW'ing it is the day we share our workdesks with fellow bloggers and have the opportunity of seeing crafty going's-on all over the world! Julia is to blame and links to loads of other workspaces can be found HERE
So to my own workdesk ... rather different this week because I am making some sugarpaste flowers for a cake and hope to have them all made by the end of today so I can colour and wire them up tomorrow.
Desk is a little blank as I've not yet really got going this morning having had a rotten night stressing about the flowers! Didn't go to bed until midnight but woke at 2.10am and then 3.20am and 4.40am whenI finally gave up and played Angry Birds on my mobile until 5.30am ... nodded off and managed to sleep until 6.45am so my mood is not the greatest at the moment!
The roses hanging up need further layers of petals and will eventually be dusted pink:
And on the tray are loads of little filler flowers ... baby orchids, sweet peas, ivy leaves and tiny carnations ... haven't yet decided if the sweet peas and carnations will be pink or left white ... am favouring white at the moment!
Thought I might send this card to the playground that is PIXIE'S SNIPPETS... the idea being you make a card containing, er, a snippet of something you had left-over ... a bit of ribbon or lace or an off-cut of paper etc., Well this whole card was made from bit's and pieces I had left over from a previous, similar card ... I did order new papers and cardstock but it didn't arrive in time so I had to "make do" with what I had. I was asked to make this card by Nicola, one of the nephew's girlfriends - she hasn't seen it yet so a nervous wait until she does!
It is one of my fold-out-tag-card-booklet thingies and has 6 little tags inside ... the last tag is left blank for Nicola to sign!
So to my own workdesk ... rather different this week because I am making some sugarpaste flowers for a cake and hope to have them all made by the end of today so I can colour and wire them up tomorrow.
Desk is a little blank as I've not yet really got going this morning having had a rotten night stressing about the flowers! Didn't go to bed until midnight but woke at 2.10am and then 3.20am and 4.40am whenI finally gave up and played Angry Birds on my mobile until 5.30am ... nodded off and managed to sleep until 6.45am so my mood is not the greatest at the moment!
The roses hanging up need further layers of petals and will eventually be dusted pink:
And on the tray are loads of little filler flowers ... baby orchids, sweet peas, ivy leaves and tiny carnations ... haven't yet decided if the sweet peas and carnations will be pink or left white ... am favouring white at the moment!
I will post a photo' of the flowers wired up all ready for the cake once I've got it to that stage.
Thought I might send this card to the playground that is PIXIE'S SNIPPETS... the idea being you make a card containing, er, a snippet of something you had left-over ... a bit of ribbon or lace or an off-cut of paper etc., Well this whole card was made from bit's and pieces I had left over from a previous, similar card ... I did order new papers and cardstock but it didn't arrive in time so I had to "make do" with what I had. I was asked to make this card by Nicola, one of the nephew's girlfriends - she hasn't seen it yet so a nervous wait until she does!
It is one of my fold-out-tag-card-booklet thingies and has 6 little tags inside ... the last tag is left blank for Nicola to sign!
Saturday, 12 January 2013
Partial success
Well, at least I am feeling better and have Made A Start on the card for the new baby ... so am crafting but with partial success as the new card ordered didn't arrive this morning as I had hoped so am having to rummage around and "make do" ... and I am not a "make do" type of girl!!!
Hang on though ... if I am making this card from bits'n'bobs left from other cards it might just qualify me for Pixie's Snippet Challenge!
Mmmmmm, now there's a thought!
Hang on though ... if I am making this card from bits'n'bobs left from other cards it might just qualify me for Pixie's Snippet Challenge!
Mmmmmm, now there's a thought!
Friday, 11 January 2013
The best laid plans ...
Typical, I suppose that just as I was getting back into the swing of things here in blogland I go down with a streaming headcold and not at all able to blog nor craft for two days.
Was asked to make a new baby card and, of course, readily said I would even though I was mindful of everything I already have to do and out came the Wishblade/Silhouette, new supplies ordered and whoosh ... down I go with a cold. My eyes watered all day long ... huge splooshy tears that dripped onto the table and it looked like I had been crying non-stop.
Am hopeful I can get back to cutting and sticking tomorrow ... got too much to do to be under the weather.
Was asked to make a new baby card and, of course, readily said I would even though I was mindful of everything I already have to do and out came the Wishblade/Silhouette, new supplies ordered and whoosh ... down I go with a cold. My eyes watered all day long ... huge splooshy tears that dripped onto the table and it looked like I had been crying non-stop.
Am hopeful I can get back to cutting and sticking tomorrow ... got too much to do to be under the weather.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Well, it has sure been a while but here I am!!!!! WOYWW'ing for the first time in ages and having totally forgotten how to do it! I shall post my photo of my very messy desk right now and then head off to see if I can figure out how to add it to Julia's list!
Don't know what WOYWW'ing is all about? Well, each Wednesday, in the world of craftland, we share photo's of our desk and have the opportunity of visiting desks all over the world to see what fellow crafters are up to ... it is just fascinating seeing lots of items and products that we all use scattered far and wide and all being used to produce such different results.
Taking a peek at other crafter's desks has kick-started many crafter's-block moments and, of course, it's great just to be nosey!
So here is my work desk right now ... not much going on and not really happy with the card I am making so have yet to decide whether to go with it or bin it and start over!
This isn't yet my "normal" craft desk ... mild here in England but still too cold to work out in the conservatory where my huge table and storage cupboards are so am squeezed onto the end of the dining room table!
These are some of the cards I made just before Christmas for my January birthdays ... used the resist technique for the pink tag cards and had to experiment to see if I liked a cream background showing through or a white one ... decided I preferred the white so will be making more like these for further birthdays throughout the year. Had loads of little strips of vellum left over from making some invitations so am using them up by adding the person's name ... super and quick to emboss and saves throwing away such lovely thick vellum.
It is not often my sister has anything nice to say about my cards but she did comment on the one I made last year for daddy ... I used a beautiful brass stencil that I have had for years ... so I dug that out and the men's cards this year will be based around that.
I used glossy accents to highlight just the little hot-air balloon and left it at that ... well, after I'd distress-inked it to within an inch of its life, of course!
I used a linen-effect paper for the embossing and after I inked it with my much favoured brown tones of Tim Holtz's distress inkpads it resembled burnt wood and you can just about spot I used my new Martha Stewart punches I got for Christmas.
Right, am off to see if I can link this at Julia's Stamping Ground and then will pop back here to post the link to her WOYWW list!
So, Julia's Stamping Ground is where it all happens! (just hope that link takes you there ... SORRY Julia if it doesn't ... I will ask Maggie C to help me out!)
Happy WOYWW'ing everyone ... I've really missed being part of our Wonderful Wednesdays!!!!!
Don't know what WOYWW'ing is all about? Well, each Wednesday, in the world of craftland, we share photo's of our desk and have the opportunity of visiting desks all over the world to see what fellow crafters are up to ... it is just fascinating seeing lots of items and products that we all use scattered far and wide and all being used to produce such different results.
Taking a peek at other crafter's desks has kick-started many crafter's-block moments and, of course, it's great just to be nosey!
So here is my work desk right now ... not much going on and not really happy with the card I am making so have yet to decide whether to go with it or bin it and start over!
This isn't yet my "normal" craft desk ... mild here in England but still too cold to work out in the conservatory where my huge table and storage cupboards are so am squeezed onto the end of the dining room table!
These are some of the cards I made just before Christmas for my January birthdays ... used the resist technique for the pink tag cards and had to experiment to see if I liked a cream background showing through or a white one ... decided I preferred the white so will be making more like these for further birthdays throughout the year. Had loads of little strips of vellum left over from making some invitations so am using them up by adding the person's name ... super and quick to emboss and saves throwing away such lovely thick vellum.
It is not often my sister has anything nice to say about my cards but she did comment on the one I made last year for daddy ... I used a beautiful brass stencil that I have had for years ... so I dug that out and the men's cards this year will be based around that.
I used glossy accents to highlight just the little hot-air balloon and left it at that ... well, after I'd distress-inked it to within an inch of its life, of course!
I used a linen-effect paper for the embossing and after I inked it with my much favoured brown tones of Tim Holtz's distress inkpads it resembled burnt wood and you can just about spot I used my new Martha Stewart punches I got for Christmas.
Right, am off to see if I can link this at Julia's Stamping Ground and then will pop back here to post the link to her WOYWW list!
So, Julia's Stamping Ground is where it all happens! (just hope that link takes you there ... SORRY Julia if it doesn't ... I will ask Maggie C to help me out!)
Happy WOYWW'ing everyone ... I've really missed being part of our Wonderful Wednesdays!!!!!
Friday, 4 January 2013
Time to catch up
Have said it before and have to say it again ... can't believe how long it has been since I visited my dear little blog ... time just passes way too fast and the hustle and bustle of Christmas didn't help.
I was MEGA stressed about getting everything done for Christmas ... I was behind with my cards and crafting and sewing the tree decorations that I traditionally make. It took me an hour and a half to wrap one present and I was never as late as I was this year in getting the wrapping done ... then the shooting in Connecticut happened and it put it all in perspective for me. So what if someone got a present in a carrier bag rather than wrapped ... what did it matter if I had to buy a box of cards rather than make one for everyone on my list. As a family we saw lots of each other over the holiday and that really was all that mattered.
Of course, I did get it all done but the stress and panic lifted and I ploughed through all I wanted to do with quiet reflection of those in Sandy Hook.
I kept my cards simple this year ... and FLAT! Last year every card required a "large" stamp and with the increased postage charges I simply had to make flat cards this year. I knew I wanted them black and white after coming across a beautiful stamp and I knew I wanted them "postcard" style so this is what I ended up doing :
I stamped a simple "Happy Christmas" in black on the back with just two little *s*n*o*w*f*l*a*k*e*s* rather than mat and layer them ... saving time and keeping them as flat as I could!
Of course, comments from a certain someone were about par for the course with "I prefer the back" ... but I've come to expect stuff like that now.
All the "special" cards followed the same theme but I tried to use *s*n*o*w*y* photo's of the recipients ... did a whole lot of, er, "borrowing" photo's from their Facebook pages!
This was one made for one of my nephews and shows his girlfriend taken a couple of years ago ... as soon as I saw the photo' ages ago I knew I wanted to make their card using it:
I always theme all my wrapping of presents and this year, again, kept with the *s*n*o*w*f*l*a*k*e* theme :
These were just for the ladies ... the men's paper was dark blue with silver *s*n*o*w*f*l*a*k*e*s ... and they just got baubles and no bow!
Despite all the raised eyebrows last year I finished off the intended December birthdays (again for two of the nephews) with cards using the little fob/pocket watches I got:
Managed to get this finished and framed in time to post to Australia - and it got there in record time too! My Australian niece married a Canadian so I thought I'd send him a little reminder of home ... he got the maple leaf decoration above too!
So that pretty much brings my blog up to date and I am making a promise myself to get back into WOYWW'ing each week and to keeping a record of my crafting throughout 2013.
I am already itching to make a start on all the cards for this year ... made those for January just before Christmas but forgot to take pictures but will be doing some more along the same lines and WILL post them here ... eventually!
Hello blogland ... have really missed you!
I was MEGA stressed about getting everything done for Christmas ... I was behind with my cards and crafting and sewing the tree decorations that I traditionally make. It took me an hour and a half to wrap one present and I was never as late as I was this year in getting the wrapping done ... then the shooting in Connecticut happened and it put it all in perspective for me. So what if someone got a present in a carrier bag rather than wrapped ... what did it matter if I had to buy a box of cards rather than make one for everyone on my list. As a family we saw lots of each other over the holiday and that really was all that mattered.
Of course, I did get it all done but the stress and panic lifted and I ploughed through all I wanted to do with quiet reflection of those in Sandy Hook.
I kept my cards simple this year ... and FLAT! Last year every card required a "large" stamp and with the increased postage charges I simply had to make flat cards this year. I knew I wanted them black and white after coming across a beautiful stamp and I knew I wanted them "postcard" style so this is what I ended up doing :
I stamped a simple "Happy Christmas" in black on the back with just two little *s*n*o*w*f*l*a*k*e*s* rather than mat and layer them ... saving time and keeping them as flat as I could!
Of course, comments from a certain someone were about par for the course with "I prefer the back" ... but I've come to expect stuff like that now.
All the "special" cards followed the same theme but I tried to use *s*n*o*w*y* photo's of the recipients ... did a whole lot of, er, "borrowing" photo's from their Facebook pages!
This was one made for one of my nephews and shows his girlfriend taken a couple of years ago ... as soon as I saw the photo' ages ago I knew I wanted to make their card using it:
I always theme all my wrapping of presents and this year, again, kept with the *s*n*o*w*f*l*a*k*e* theme :
These were just for the ladies ... the men's paper was dark blue with silver *s*n*o*w*f*l*a*k*e*s ... and they just got baubles and no bow!
Despite all the raised eyebrows last year I finished off the intended December birthdays (again for two of the nephews) with cards using the little fob/pocket watches I got:
I forgot to take photo's of all the tree decorations I made but here are two that I did manage to remember to photograph!
So that pretty much brings my blog up to date and I am making a promise myself to get back into WOYWW'ing each week and to keeping a record of my crafting throughout 2013.
I am already itching to make a start on all the cards for this year ... made those for January just before Christmas but forgot to take pictures but will be doing some more along the same lines and WILL post them here ... eventually!
Hello blogland ... have really missed you!
Further confusion!!!
OK ... at least I tried! Did I say I don't do cables? Seems I've not transferred photo's to this laptop before so I could get no further than plugging said cable into mobile and getting an error message. Even call to hubby at work didn't help. Will just have to wait until he gets home tonight to try again ... bloomin' technology ... give me a sheet of paper and some double sided tape any day please!
Quiet confusion
Well, I have no idea what has happened to my blog but it sure doesn't look how I remember leaving it! That will teach me to stay away so long and not update as regularly as I would really like to!
I've just found the cable-thingy (I don't do cables) in order to get some photo's from my mobile and onto here but it took me so long to even find my blog I've exhausted myself. Searched high and low for the thing (the cable as well as my blog) only to find it left plugged into the USB hub-thingy (I don't do hub-thingies either) ... might have a cuppa and see if I can remember how to download/upload/offload the photographs!
Watch this space and I might just be back.
Or not.
Oh and a very VERY happy new year to one and all and wishing you lots of time to craft and create!
I've just found the cable-thingy (I don't do cables) in order to get some photo's from my mobile and onto here but it took me so long to even find my blog I've exhausted myself. Searched high and low for the thing (the cable as well as my blog) only to find it left plugged into the USB hub-thingy (I don't do hub-thingies either) ... might have a cuppa and see if I can remember how to download/upload/offload the photographs!
Watch this space and I might just be back.
Or not.
Oh and a very VERY happy new year to one and all and wishing you lots of time to craft and create!
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