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WELCOME to my little arty world! Trying to make art is a huge part of my life ... love nothing more than messing around with inks and sprays and generally making a mess!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


You know, I really thought I'd blogged inbetween last weeks WOYWW and this one ... goodness knows where that week went!

So to another week of being able to share and visit fellow crafters workdesks all over the world to see what they are up to all thanks to the wonderful Julia and her Stamping Ground which you can find HERE

My workdesk is not really a workdesk at all today as I simply MUST get on with a cross-stitch project and I am making that my mission for today.

It is a huge project and almost beyond my capabilities ... I thought I was an experienced cross-stitcher but this is challenging me to the limit and I am not yet convinced I will complete it.  If it were for myself then I would have not got past the first dozen stitches but, because I want it for a gift,  I am persevering (and swearing a LOT!)

I finished a birthday card last night for the same person getting the cake (I shared the flowers for the cake last week) ... have tried to keep it all to a theme (I made the invitations for the event too) as she is very, very girly and loves flowers!

The cake just needs my signature little doves putting on and I wasn't going to take it from the box in order to photograph it today ... knowing me I'd knock the frill and damage it so will post a better photo' next week after the party!  So excuse what has to be the worst photo' in the world but it will give you an idea ... hopefully.

And, most importantly of all ... as I write it is *S*N*O*W*I*N*G* again ... I am a total *S*N*O*W* freak and just love this weather *S*N*O*W* much!!!!!!  Hey, that was nearly a joke :)

On that note I am off to link to Julia's WOYWW and MUST, MUST, MUST get on with that cross-stitching!


  1. got to admit i'm a snow freak too. Some lovely projects at your desk , happy woyww Jill #56

  2. I love snow for the first and second days then it starts getting a bit much....all 7-8" of it that we've had and it's snowing again a little bit at the moment!!
    The cake and card are beautiful and I should think the cross stitch will be too.....keep going!!
    Happy WOYWW

  3. Like you I love snow too, just not walking in it too much if icy! Love the cake and the girly card - I'm coming around to girly colours now. Land Rovers are so much fun, off-roading is the best!! Karen 94 x

  4. Gorgeous cake Debbie, absolutely beautiful. I just popped back & edited my blog post about the cards I'd made- I'd seen the 'no mistakes' quote somewhere, I knew I had, and wrongly credited it to Ellen Hutson. Saw it in your side bar, so just went & altered it, lol.Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx #73

  5. Good luck with the cross stitch I know it does not feel like it right now but it will be so worth it in the end.
    Love the card
    Ria #92

  6. That cake is so beautiful. You must be so proud of it. Hope you get that cross stitch done. I still have one on the go, quite a big project, but I am determined to finish it this year, especially as it is for one of our granddaughters. Good luck. xx Maggie #20

  7. The card, the cake...cross stitch...all lovely! Lucky girl who gets the cake and hand made card! Thanks for sharing. dix---

  8. Oh well done Debbie, the cake is a masterpiece, am pretty confident that your girly girl will absolutely love it! The cross stitch will unfold just as beautifully - you're so patient.

  9. You've done a masterful post today, today, Debbie! Well done on the card and the cake and the photos of the snow, oh, and the cross-stitch! How lovely to see it all!!

    We are all hooked up on following each other now. If you click on "view my complete profile" up on the top of your page after your introduction, you will see there the list of the blogs you are following and I'm on there, so it's all good.

    Now, go back to your cross-stitch and have a wonderful week if I don't talk to you before!! Darnell #131

  10. Gorgeous card and cake. Love the pictures of the snow. Thanks for sharing and have a great crafty week! Vickie #35

  11. OMGolly Gosh - Debbie, your cake is totally amazing!!! Cross stitch can be immensely challenging but am sure you'll crack it. Belated Happy WOYWW, Di xx

  12. How talented are you Mrs?! Beautiful cake and I hope the cross stitch comes along quickly for you - I think I've only ever completed one! (Although I have about 27 UFOs stuffed away in various cupboards!). xx

  13. Well you have a LOT going on, that cake is just amazing! Such pretty snow photos--we haven't had much this year.

    Happy WOYWW!
    :)trisha #164 this week
    and a little late!

  14. Hullo there Bette,
    Well first time able to get in here and do some blog hopping!
    Some lovely work will be going on here, when cross stitch gets going .. yes they can be exceedingly daunting esp. when that big!!
    Love the card - and the cake well that is one gorgeous piece of work and glad to see some rose are coloured .. lovely balance in that selection. :D
    Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #58

  15. You are so lucky! I love snow, too. Unfortunately we have not been blessed with much this year. Your cake is lovely and the card is, too. You've been busy this week. April #110
