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WELCOME to my little arty world! Trying to make art is a huge part of my life ... love nothing more than messing around with inks and sprays and generally making a mess!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Ok, no wondering where the week has gone and no procrastinating about how on earth can it be Wednesday already (let alone it being 14th March!!!!!!) another WOYWW is upon us so here goes!
Haven't actually yet got going today but everything is ready for when I've had my Weetabix and cup of coffee, harvested my crops and fed all my animals (only virtual cyber-ones you understand on my dear little farm over on Facebook!) and had a quick check of my emails just to make sure I don't need to be dealing with anything urgently.
Then I can turn my attention to my snippets.  What's that, I hear you say?  Snippets?  YES!!!  I have been persuaded by the lovelies that are Maggie C and Di to venture into the Pixie's Snippets playground and, risking public humiliation, plan on doing just that.  Of course, I am not actually through the gate yet and might just turn on my heels and run for home but, for now, the plan is pack my can of coke and my sherbet dip and go for a play.
So my very poor photo (I don't do photography ... took a photo of our Christmas tree once and the only thing in the shot were my slippers ... and they were on my feet at the time) shows my workdesk all set up and ready  to go once the aforementioned chores (farming is hard work!!!) are out of the way.

You get two photo's this time but now I see them here I think just the one would have done ... never mind, at least my slippers are not in the shot.  Please ignore hubby's gardening shoes that are under my table ... that is absolutely as far into the house that they are allowed!
There are a few clues on my desk as to what I will be attempting today ... the acrylic paints are back out and I am going to try painting more embossed acetate - out of shot is the large plastic poncho I plan on wearing whilst getting down and dirty because I sure got in a mess last time I tried this technique (yes, Neil, your fault! You are just about forgiven though because it was such fun and I am actually looking forward to having another go).
Well, must crack on and not ramble ... am heading over to the wonderful Julia's Stamping Ground to add myself to the list and then will be back later on to take a good old nosey around as many other WOYWWers as I can.

Enjoy your WOYWW and look forward to catching up with you soon.  xXx


  1. ohoooo I want to 'stick thin gs on your wall!' Have a crafty day
    HaPpY WoYwW

  2. Your crafting area is just too tidy, Debbie. I agree with Lyn, we need to come over and stick things all over your walls. Glad you are joining us in the playground later in the week. It is just good fun, and nothing to stress over. Our computers are beginning to work together now, thanks to the server. A few hiccups to sort with the help of emails with pretty pictures flying between Shaz's DH and us. I send the pictures with the problems and I get pictures and step by step instructions on how to put it right. I can now transfer documents, pictures and anything else from the main PC downstairs to my craft computer upstairs and in reverse without moving from my seat - cool, eh! see you later in the playground. xx Maggie #17

  3. I'm fascinated to know what you are up to!! I thought the slippers had snuck into the shot again but then I read they were your husbands. At least they weren't on your feet, lol.

    ** Kate **

  4. Good looking work space very tidy! Have a fun WOYWW.

  5. Lovely crafty space, I have NO wall space left!! (lol) Hugs May x x x

  6. Well . .. firstly . . . I must say . . . that's A MAJOR TIDY DESK you have there.

    Secondly . . . please do come on over to the Snippet Playground and join in. If I see you lurking outside the gates about to turn tail, I'll come and grab your hand and we can run through the gates together. Everyone is friendly . . . we share each other sandwiches, play nicely and help the new girls settle in. We've even been known to help drag the ADHD girl from the Duckpond!

    . . . we'll be waiting for ya . . .

    Oh, and HAPPY WOYWW too!

    Hugs, Sarn xxxx

  7. Quickly watching all those lovely desks!!
    Have a happy WOYWW Wednesday :)))
    Watch mine too, I've an awesome announcement on my BLOG(click)
    Hugs Marleen ;-)

  8. Your desk looks very tidy to me! I am intrigued to know what you are up to.....my link is wrong but if you want to have a look I am at http:bollyanne.blogspot.com Happy WOYWW

  9. Happy WOYWW Debbie. You have a very tidy space - mine all looks very cluttered I think but no where else to go. I'm going to pop over to Pixie Snippets Playground. Will be a bit red faced re my effort but nothing venttured nothing gained hey. Anne x

  10. You have fantastic light in your room, lots of windows? maybe an enclosed porch with a view of the garden? waving hi from the warm and sunny hills of North Carolina :)

  11. What a fun post, I think we all take pics that end up nothing like they're supposed too! Take care, enjoy snooping around the wonderful desks & enjoy this WOYWW. Zo xx 33

  12. I know the feeling Bette I was taking an impromptue photo of the birds in my garden using my phone , I ended up with a photo of me ( phone was wrong way around) . Anyway your workspace looks a nice place , have fun .Hugs Elaine

  13. You never have to wear a plastic poncho when using a sewing machine. Honestly, hubby not allowed in the house after gardening, but ink, is excused eh?

  14. Great job. Your desk is so lovely and tidy
